Symposium Speaker at University of Kentucky Law School
Official campaign website for Judge Bob Hunter, current North Carolina Court of Appeals judge seeking re-election in 2016.
Symposium Speaker at University of Kentucky Law School
Official campaign website of Judge Bob Hunter's 2016 re-election to the North Carolina Court of Appeals.
Bob Hunter for Judge
PO Box 12384
Raleigh, NC 27605
Please make any checks payable to "Bob Hunter for Judge" or donate online here.
Paid for by the Bob Hunter for Judge campaign. North Carolina law requires candidate committees to report the name, mailing address, job title or profession, and name of employer or employer’s specific field for each individual whose contribution aggregate is in excess of $50 in an election. Contributions may not exceed $5,100 per individual and are not tax deductible as charitable donations for federal income tax purposes. Contributions from corporations, unions, and foreign nationals are prohibited by law. The presence of a person in a photograph on this website does not imply that the individual supports the Bob Hunter for Judge campaign.